Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day Two: Republican House

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Congressman John Boehner as the new Speaker of the House come January. (Sorry conservatives, Nancy Pelosi is keeping that chair warm for him for two more months.) Sir, I look forward to providing a profile on your past accomplishments in the weeks to come.

Now, I'm not here to applaud the last two years of leadership under President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, or really any of the other Democrats (although, Mr. Grayson, you will be missed). They definitely got themselves into the mess that occurred on Tuesday -- the levees broke and the "Red Sea" flooded the nation -- or more accurately, the Democrats and liberals were too busy (fill in: disorganized/lazy/jaded/incompetent) to get out the vote. The Dems have done some good things, I can't deny that, and I will fully support my belief that they remain the lesser of two evils (later).

As of Tuesday, we can look forward to spending the next two years with a Republican controlled House, under the leadership of Mr. Boehner. In the coming months the ramifications of this power shift will become more apparent. They are already pontificating that their primary goals will be to renew Bush's tax cuts and repeal Obamacare. (Great ideas, no?) But beyond this, their ultimate goal is to make Obama the 13th one-term president. It's no secret. Obama would be in good company with Jimmy Carter and George HW Bush, both finer men and better presidents than our previous two-termer...yet I digress...(actually no. Did you hear about the statement made by the aforementioned president that I am alluding to? That his lowest point in all 8 years of his tenure was when he was dissed by Kanye West? You'd think I'm making this up.) However I'm really not ready for President Palin (fill in the blank with your favorite teabagger.)

So half of Obama's presidential term is over. The Republicans/TEA Party are making their resurgence, and it looks like Obama has kind of lost his mojo. This was quite apparent in Wednesday's press conference. It was depressing. A reoccurring theme seems to be that Obama doesn't "get" it; he doesn't connect with the average American, and now he's being sent a message by the voters and the party that, supposedly, do "get" it.

However, what it seems Obama doesn't grasp, is that his diplomatic and conciliatory attitude toward the Republicans and the right isn't working for him or the Middle Class(although it's working great for the GOP thus far). Now I won't blame the loss of the House solely on Obama, but I don't know how many times the bully on the playground has to smear sand up your nose until you realize that he just isn't going to be your friend, and she isn't going to oblige when you suggest she put it down your shirt instead. Just a thought.

More to come on John Boehner.


Unknown said...

Better watch out, Jim Thume will be the next republican candidate for President if we're lucky.

mFox said...

You must mean John Thune - SD Junior Senator; possible VP pick in 2008, fiscal conservative, anti gay marriage, pro-life, Evangelical Christian, pro-war, pro-gun, likes to shoot innocent little birds in his free time.

Yep...wouldn't that be a dream come true.